Where is Estrellitas located?
We are located at 3901 Leary way NW Seattle WA 98107!

Does my child need to take a lunch/snack?

 No, we provide organic and nut-free lunch and snacks! if your child has a specific diet please let us know and pack them their own snack and lunch!

Is Estrellitas licenced? 

Yes, we have all the licenses required by the state of Washington.

Does my child need to be bathroom trained?

 If they are in the 2-3-year-olds do not need to be able to use the bathroom on their own, any age older should be trained!

How many children will be in each class?

 groups will remain small with 8 children per class at most.

Can I schedule a tour?

Of course! Email us with a good time for you!

Are there any openings?

E-mail us! We will let you know, but hurry, spots are limited!